
Tucson Snake Removal

100% safe & humane snake removal, prevention, fencing, and information services for home owners of the Tucson area. Call any time for immediate, 24/7 snake control.

Rattlesnake Removal

100% safe & humane, we are available all-hours to relocate unwanted repitles from your home or business throughout the Tucson area. Rattlesnakes are common where neighborhoods border desert habitat, and encounters are common throughout much of the year. When pest control companies can't help, Rattlesnake Solutions is here to safely resolve your situation, without harming our native wildlife.

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Keep Snakes Away

Keeping rattlesnakes out of your yard is simple - install a snake fence to keep them out. There is nobody better in the Tucson area at installing effective rattlesnake barrier fences than Rattlesnake Solutions. We've developed our own fence installation service after relocating thousands of wild rattlesnakes. We know what they do, why they do it, and how to keep them out for good.

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Property Inspections

We're not just snake relocation specialists; the Rattlesnake Solutions team is made of avid field herpetologists, students, researchers, and reptile enthusiasts with lifetimes of experience finding and capturing rattlesnakes in the wild. We bring this experience to your yard. You'll learn what's there and how to reduce your chances for another unwanted rattlesnake encounter.

Schedule an Inspection


1. Call Rattlesnake Solutions at 520-308-6211 any time of day or night.

2. Keep an eye on the snake We'll ask you some questions, and be on the way right away.

3. Wait for a Rattlesnake Solutions field agent to arrive and capture the snake.